Finding out the truth is the real happiness. The reality brings the opportunity to work hard and find the actual happiness.

Two Sides Of a Coin - Part 1

Hi friends, hope everyone is doing fine in these lockdown hours!

Today I want to share with you an incident which I witnessed two years back, of course a time without any lockdown when we all used to enjoy outside our home.

That incident created a great doubt in my mind that time and even today, I feel confused on how would I react if it happens again, in front of me. What would I do, stop what's going on or help it be? Let's see how would you react.

I was in the Delhi Metro, returning from my office as usual. There was an old man of age around 55, wearing a not fancy looking turban, wearing shabby slippers and seemed illiterate.  He was sitting comfortably on a seat not reserved for ladies. In fact, the seat reserved for ladies was 4 seats away than his. Doors opened at Saket and a lady of age around 30, entered the metro and stood before the old. She gracefully asked a person sitting next to the old man to make a little room so that she could also sit there somehow. The old man looked up to her and asked the woman to keep standing. He had a brightness on his face and eyes questioning the woman, why couldn't she stand even in this age and asking for room on a seat when the seat is not a reserved one for the ladies. The woman was stunned by the response she had, probably it was the first time she had seen such harsh behavior for her or may be for any other woman she had known.

The Fight

She questioned the old to keep quite as it was not him she asked the help from. She got very angry on him and started saying bad things, but he kept his cool and smiled at the lady and then at the crowed as if he was trying to build an audience. He kept smiling and catching everyone's attention there with his strong and well aimed jokes. Everybody was laughing in the train. I was looking at the scene from far by now and thought I must rush to the old man and stop him from creating a nonsense with the lady. Trust me, the points he was making on basic rights for woman and men had so much power that I couldn't move and cross even a single man so I could reach him.

The atmosphere went very intensed between both of them and we all kept standing, laughing at the jokes. This was not the real me of course! I couldn't distinguish between whom should I support at that time, obviously my heart was favoring the lady and the brain was totally taken by the thoughts of the old person. At that moment, I realized how self-oriented we all have become that we only care about our personal enjoyment leaving behind anything what happens with others. That's not real us!

But then happened something which created more doubts on my thought process than before. I will share in the next post, stay tuned! :)

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