Finding out the truth is the real happiness. The reality brings the opportunity to work hard and find the actual happiness.

Two Sides Of a Coin - The Decision

Hi there everyone, I hope this post finds you in a great health, especially considering the Corona age!

Lets get started with the conclusion part of my short story on a metro ride- Two Sides of a Coin. Those who have no idea whats going on, I would request you to go through the first part of it in the "Stories" section.

The old man had created quite an audience for his jokes on the lady. She was literally crying, just tried not to pretend. Nobody, not even the persons standing near her gave any hint to try and stop the old man. Everyone else was pretending to be so busy with their life but of course laughing at the jokes, which made her feel completely helpless. No doubts, she must have started thinking about the women safety and welfare in Delhi or across the world for a matter of fact. She couldn't have imagined this would turn out like this; after all, she had just asked for a little space to sit. The myth about people caring for women, showing sympathy in tough times or helping when needed, was badly broken. She seemed to have lost the trust in men and appeared as if she wouldn't ask for the piece of bread from them, had she been the last hungry woman on earth. 

The Outbreak

Tears could be seen in her eyes but it was not enough for the old man, may be not yet. He said, "Women have taken men for granted and have been taking our advantage for long. No woman would give a seat to an opposite gender, never. Often, men don't have the strength to ask out a woman for help and we all know why." Completing his sentence he said, "Instead of fighting like that for a seat in Delhi Metro, you should appeal from the Govt. for an extra seat in here, like what happened in Mumbai. There is an extra seat for ladies in every coach and that was possible only because women fought it out from the Govt."

The small ask for a seat had lead to an intense and so rightful fight that I was not able to make sure whose side should I take. Seeing them fighting, was moving my heart like a pendulum that has to feel for both the parties. It's not only me who would be this much confused, anyone would feel the same. Any human!


While I was getting so much troubled in my mind but everyone seemed enjoying. Along with me, a Sikh man of age around 50 was also standing a little far from the both and noticed everything carefully. He asked the old person to stop all that nonsense then and there. He started politely asking the old man to shut all this up and gradually became angry because of the situation. However, the old man again kept himself calm and turned towards the Sardar now. He gently begged the Sardar to take him to the jail for his offence along with the lady and then he will get this all closed with the police itself. Sardar seeked help from the passengers now, "Why are you guys laughing on his pity jokes instead of saving the lady from him? At least don't laugh when you know you won't be able to overcome the results or stop the fight." There was a pin drop silence for a while, only Sardar and the  old man were debating. Obeying Sardar's request, the lady had come near him in his defence. As a result, he was somehow able to save the lady from the further debate. The sitting old man kept talking for a second and had to stop due to no attention from the sardar or the lady.

The Question

There isn't a second thought that the Sardar had won the fight by taking the woman's side. But, the question still remains there - Would a woman favor a man ever to sit against her anywhere? How often do we see a female helping a male? 

If you ask me, I will stand with the old man who at least dared to break the so called fake feminism. The gender should not not promote favoritism. Want to see the change, be the Change!

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