Finding out the truth is the real happiness. The reality brings the opportunity to work hard and find the actual happiness.

This mother's day - 2020

Hi friends, hope you are having an amazing Sunday!

Although it's a lockdown situation across the world right now and it has been same since last two months around, most of us have started cooking, cleaning, washing, decorating, donating, etc. All that stuff you know. Anyways how difficult it has become for all of us, isn't it? 

We can not roam around, eat the stuff available outside, can't hang out with our friends. How boring it is to stay home like this,  as if we are already dead and just need to be burnt, yeah that's right. 

Wait, what if I told you that our mothers, specially in India, always face such lockdown throughout their lifetime? The home stuff which we have just started doing and cursing our Gods doing that, our mothers happily do this every day without break, forget Sundays, that's not for her, sadly. Ever wondered where comes such strength from? Sorry, I just asked even though I also have no clue about that. But, I really want such strength in me, in every one reading this post, specially in men. 

Can we really carry such strength and handle that? That's tricky, but this lockdown has realised us true strength of a human.

To the real strength of Humanity, to the working spirit in the dark, to the most powerful life of the earth & to the alive God on this earth, I wish a wonderful Mother's Day!

Love you Mom ❤️

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